ByoPure Products 

ByoMax Patented Techology 

Our System is the KEY

Our patented production process, KEY unlocks biomass and energy feedstocks to create renewable”drop in” replacements for fossil fuels, coal and coke for heavy industries.


Raw, pure platform stock - up to 99% pure


Transformed, mid-range carbon content - up to 99% pure


Carbonised high-end range carbon content, engineered with etching and activation options - up to 99% pure

Our Factories Generate an Abundance of Renewable Green Energy

That powers our factories, our customers and our ByoEnergy-To-X product suite.

Green Byomass Power

Green sustainable power produced from our purified energy feedstocks.


Enhanced by our KEY process and ready to power our factories upgrade, sell to customers or power our operations.


In the form of recovered palm oil and pure pyrolysis oil.

ByoEnergy -To-X is the Bridge

Our integrated KEY production system generates energy and sustainable aviation e-fuels, the world's most carbon-intensive industries and a net-zero future.

Low Cost Green Hydrogen

Pure hydrogen produced extremely efficiently by harnessing the heat and steam our transformation process produces.

We Capture and Utilise C02

Putting captured CO2 to work for our clients

ByoMax Made SAF from Our Hydroprocess or e-fuels Pathways

ByoMax SAF

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